The MC68HC11F1 is a high-performance member of the M68HC11 family of microcontroller units (MCUs). High-speed expanded systems required the development of this chip with its extra input/output (I/O) ports, an increase in static RAM (one Kbyte), internal chip-select functions, and a non-multiplexed bus which reduces the need for external interface logic. The timer, serial I/O, and analog-to-digital (A/D) converter enable functions similar to those found in the MC68HC11E9. The MC68HC11FC0 is a low cost, high-speed derivative of the MC68HC11F1. It does not have EEPROM or an analog-to-digital converter. The MC68HC11FC0 can operate at bus speeds as high as six MHz. 1.1 Features * MC68HC11 CPU * 512 Bytes of On-Chip Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM) with Block Protect (MC68HC11F1 only) * 1024 Bytes of On-Chip RAM (All Saved During Standby) * Enhanced 16-Bit Timer System - 3 Input Capture (IC) Functions - 4 Output Compare (OC) Functions - 4th IC or 5th OC (Software Selectable) * On-Board Chip-Selects with Clock Stretching * Real-Time Interrupt Circuit * 8-Bit Pulse Accumulator * Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) * Asynchronous Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ) Serial Communication Interface (SCI) * Power saving STOP and WAIT Modes * Eight-Channel 8-Bit A/D Converter (MC68HC11F1 only) * Computer Operating Properly (COP) Watchdog System and Clock Monitor * Bus Speeds of up to 6 MHz for the MC68HC11FC0 and up to 5 MHz for the MC68HC11F1 * 68-Pin PLCC (MC68HC11F1 only), 64-Pin QFP (MC68HC11FC0 only), and 80-pin TQFP package No security.