The MC9S12Dx64 microcontroller unit (MCU) is a 16-bit device composed of standard on-chip peripherals including a 16-bit central processing unit (HCS12 CPU), 64K bytes of Flash EEPROM, 4K bytes of RAM, 1K bytes of EEPROM, two asynchronous serial communications interfaces (SCI), one serial peripheral interfaces (SPI), an 8-channel IC/OC enhanced capture timer, two 8-channel, 10-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADC), an 8-channel pulse-width modulator (PWM), a digital Byte Data Link Controller (BDLC), 29 discrete digital I/O channels (Port A, Port B, Port K and Port E), 20 discrete digital I/O lines with interrupt and wakeup capability, a CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible modules (MSCAN12), and an Inter-IC Bus. The MC9S12DJ64 has full 16-bit data paths throughout. However, the external bus can operate in an 8-bit narrow mode so single 8-bit wide memory can be interfaced for lower cost systems. The inclusion of a PLL circuit allows power consumption and performance to be adjusted to suit operational requirements. 1.2 Features  HCS12 Core - 16-bit HCS12 CPU - Upward compatible with M68HC11 instruction set - Interrupt stacking and programmer's model identical to M68HC11 - Instruction queue - Enhanced indexed addressing - MEBI (Multiplexed External Bus Interface) - MMC (Module Mapping Control) - INT (Interrupt control) - BKP (Breakpoints) - BDM (Background Debug Mode) - CRG (low current Colpitts or Pierce oscillator, PLL, reset, clocks, COP watchdog, real time interrupt, clock monitor)  8-bit and 4-bit ports with interrupt functionality - Digital filtering - Programmable rising or falling edge trigger  Memory - 64K Flash EEPROM - 1K byte EEPROM - 4K byte RAM  Two 8-channel Analog-to-Digital Converters - 10-bit resolution - External conversion trigger capability  1M bit per second, CAN 2.0 A, B software compatible module - Five receive and three transmit buffers - Flexible identifier filter programmable as 2 x 32 bit, 4 x 16 bit or 8 x 8 bit - Four separate interrupt channels for Rx, Tx, error and wake-up - Low-pass filter wake-up function - Loop-back for self test operation  Enhanced Capture Timer - 16-bit main counter with 7-bit prescaler - 8 programmable input capture or output compare channels - Four 8-bit or two 16-bit pulse accumulators  8 PWM channels - Programmable period and duty cycle - 8-bit 8-channel or 16-bit 4-channel - Separate control for each pulse width and duty cycle - Center-aligned or left-aligned outputs - Programmable clock select logic with a wide range of frequencies - Fast emergency shutdown input - Usable as interrupt inputs  Serial interfaces - Two asynchronous Serial Communications Interfaces (SCI) - Synchronous Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)  Byte Data Link Controller (BDLC) - SAE J1850 Class B Data Communications Network Interface Compatible and ISO Compatible for Low-Speed (<125 Kbps) Serial Data Communications in Automotive Applications  Inter-IC Bus (IIC) - Compatible with I2C Bus standard - Multi-master operation - Software programmable for one of 256 different serial clock frequencies  112-Pin LQFP or 80 QFP package