C8051F3xx - ISP Flash MCU Family Supply Voltage 2.7 to 3.6 V Flash -16 kB (C8051F310/1/6/7) or 8 kB (C8051F312/3/4/5) A Security Lock Byte located at the last byte of Flash user space (3DFFh) offers protection of the Flash program memory from access (reads, writes, or erases) by unprotected code or the C2 interface. The Flash security mechanism allows the user to lock n 512-byte Flash pages, starting at page 0 (addresses 0x0000 to 0x01FF), where n is the 1's complement number represented by the Security Lock Byte. Note that the page containing the Flash Security Lock Byte is unlocked when no other Flash pages are locked (all bits of the Lock Byte are '1') and locked when any other Flash pages are locked (any bit of the Lock Byte is '0'). The address range from 3C00h to 3DFFh are locked only if any other pages are locked. При установке защиты верификация последнего блока не проходит! Family Name DEVID FPDAT Address Page Size F30x 0x04 0xB4 512 F31x 0x08 0xB4 512 F32x 0x09 0xB4 512 F326/7 0x0D 0xB4 512 F33x 0x0A 0xB4 512 F336/7 0x14 0xB4 512 F34x 0x0F 0xAD 512 F35x 0x0B 0xB4 512 F36x 0x12 0xB4 512 F38x 0x28 0xAD 512 F39x/F37x 0x2B 0xB4 512 F41x 0x0C 0xB4 512 F50x/F51x 0x1C 0xB4 512 F52xA/F53xA 0x11 0xB4 512 F54x 0x21 0xB4 512 F55x/F56x/F57x 0x22 0xB4 512 F58x/F59x 0x20 0xB4 512 F70x/F71x 0x1E 0xB4 512 F80x/F81x/F82x/F83x 0x23 0xB4 512 F90x/F91x 0x1F 0xB4 512 F92x/F93x 0x16 0xB4 1024 C8051F920-GQ C8051F930-GQ F96x 0x2A 0xB4 1024 F99x 0x25 0xB4 512 T60x 0x10 0xB4 512 T606 0x1B 0xB4 512 T61x 0x13 0xB4 512 T62x/T32x 0x18 0xAD 512 T622/T623/T326/T327 0x19 0xAD 512 T63x 0x17 0xB4 512