MOTOROLA MC68HC11K series CONFIG is made up of EEPROM cells and static working latches. The operation of the MCU is controlled directly by these latches and not the actual EEPROM byte. When programming the CONFIG register, the EEPROM byte is being accessed. When the CONFIG register is being read, the static latches are being accessed. These bits can be read at any time. The value read is the one latched into the register from the EEPROM cells during the last reset sequence. A new value programmed into this register cannot be read until after a subsequent reset sequence. Unused bits always read as ones. If SMOD = 1, CONFIG bits can be written at any time. If SMOD = 0 CONFIG bits can only be written using the EEPROM programming sequence, and are neither readable nor active until latched via the next reset. bit7: ROMAD - ROM/EPROM Mapping Control In single-chip mode ROMAD is forced to one out of reset. 0 = ROM/EPROM located at $2000-$7FFF ($2000-$9FFF in MC68HC11KA2) 1 = ROM/EPROM located at $A000-$FFFF ($8000-$FFFF in MC68HC11KA2) Bit6 - Not implemented Always reads one bit5: CLKX - XOUT Clock Enable 0 = XOUT pin disabled 1 = x clock driven out on the XOUT pin bit4: PAREN - Pull-Up Assignment Register Enable Refer to 6 Parallel Input/Output. bit3: NOSEC - Security Disable NOSEC is invalid unless the security mask option is specified before the MCU is manufactured. If security mask option is omitted NOSEC always reads one. 0 = Security enabled 1 = Security disabled bit2: NOCOP - COP System Disable Resets to programmed value 0 = COP enabled (forces reset on time-out) 1 = COP disabled (does not force reset on time-out) bit1: ROMON - ROM/EPROM Enable In single-chip mode, ROMON is forced to one out of reset. In special test mode, ROMON is forced to zero out of reset. 0 = ROM/EPROM removed from memory map 1 = ROM/EPROM present in memory map bit0: EEON - EEPROM Enable 0 = EEPROM disabled from memory map 1 = EEPROM present in memory map with location depending on value specified in EE[3:0] in INIT2 При записи CONFIG значение меняется только после ребута.