MC68HC912B32 microcontroller is a 16-bit device composed of standard on-chip peripherals including a 16-bit central processing unit (CPU12), 32-Kbyte flash EEPROM, 1-Kbyte RAM, 768-byte EEPROM, an asynchronous serial communications interface (SCI), a serial peripheral interface (SPI), an 8-channel timer and 16-bit pulse accumulator, an 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), a four-channel pulse-width modulator (PWM), and a J1850-compatible byte data link communications module (BDLC). The chip is the first 16-bit microcontroller to include both byte-erasable EEPROM and flash EEPROM on the same device. System resource mapping, clock generation, interrupt control and bus interfacing are managed by the Lite integration module (LIM). The MC68HC912B32 has full 16-bit data paths throughout, however, the multiplexed external bus can operate in an 8-bit narrow mode so single 8-bit wide memory can be interfaced for lower cost systems. Для стирания и программирования FLASH подключить 69 вывод Vfp MCU к источнику +12V, 50mA. В режиме чтения напряжение на этом выводе должно быть равно напряжению питания. Адаптер 912B подключается через адаптер 05B2. На адаптере 05B2 замкнуть джампер VPRG. Также 12V можно получить с контакта VPP разьема SE с помощью резистора 100 Ом последовательно и стабилитрона на 12V между Vfp и GND.