License Agreement for Extended Hex Editor Control - XHexEditX: WARNING! If you do not understand the following or will not comply with the following, you are not allowed to install or use this product and must immediately remove it from your system. By installing or using this software you indicate your agreement with the following terms. 1. Grant of License: You are not allowed to use this product until you purchase a valid license from ELRA-Kovatchev ET, or an authorized reseller. In order to help inform your purchase, ELRA-Kovatchev ET grants you a thirty (30) day trial period during which you may evaluate this software. The trial period begins immediately after you install the software. After the expiration of your trial period you must purchase a license or remove the software from your computer immediately. You may not distribute in any way applications you have created using the trial version of this product. 2. Disclaimer: ELRA-Kovatchev ET provides the accompanying software "as-is", without warranties of any kind, including the implied warranty of fitness or merchantability for any particular purpose. ELRA-Kovatchev ET here in expressly disclaims all warranties on this software, either express or implied. ELRA-Kovatchev ET may not be held liable for any damages, incidental or consequential, occuring from the use of the accompanying software, even if she has been advised in advance of the possibility of such damage. 3. DISTRIBUTION This software may be distributed freely in its original unmodified and unregistered form. The distribution has to include all files of its original distribution. Distributors may not charge any money for it. 4. OTHER RESTRICTIONS You may not modify, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble this software in any way, including changing or removing any messages or windows. Copyright © 2002, ELRA-Kovatchev ET. All rights reserved.