++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HP VECTRA VL 5/xxx SERIES 4 BIOS GT.07.23 / GT.07.24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CUSTOMER VIEWABLE THIS DOCUMENT DETAILS THE CONTENTS OF THE BIOS REVISIONS SINCE THE FIRST SHIPMENTS OF THE PRODUCT. THE FUTURE REVISIONS PLANNED AT THIS TIME ARE ALSO LISTED. HEWLETT-PACKARD DOES NOT COMMIT TO THE SPECIFICATION OF THE FUTURE REVISIONS OR THEIR AVAILABILITY. This BIOS is available in English only, Revision No Revision date HP Flashing utility & version -------------- ------------- ---------------------------- GT.07.23/GT.07.24 July 97 FLASH.BAT -------------- ------------- ---------------------------- NOTE ODD Bios version numbers (e.g. GT.07.19) apply to VL 5/xxx Series 4 with S3 Trio 765 64V+ (D3xxxA PC model with on-board video controller). EVEN Bios version numbers (e.g. GT.07.20) apply to VL 5/xxx Series 4 with S3 Trio 64PNP (D3xxxB PC model with on-board video controller) or Matrox MGA Millenium video adapter card. UPHLASH.BAT Bios flasher automatically flashes the version appropriate to your VL 5/xxx Series 4 PC type. FIXES / NEW FEATURES / UPGRADE RECOMMENDATION ============================================= _______________________________________________________________ GT.07.23/GT.07.24 1. Bug fixed or enhancements since GT.07.21, GT.07.22 and GJ.07.18: ------------------------------------------------------------------ + Code alignment: the 3 machines are now under the same root + Free space: Remove unsuported µ-proc (Savings: 26596 bytes) + CDRom boot for Win NT 4.0 implementation + `45% POST hang' bug fix + 512k cache Support + User F9 no longer loads default values in the setup + QuickTime bug fix + 60 Hz refresh vs 43l in 1024x768 bug fix + 24x CDRom support + Support multiple ELSA VGA Card (New pcivga.asm file) UPGRADE RECOMMENDATION [ ] All users upgrade [ ] Hardware subsystem specific [ ] OS specific upgrade [ ] Motherboard revision specific [X] Problem specific 2. Features/bug fixes to be implemented in a next version: --------------------------------------------------------- + Overdrive Support 75/125 seen as 75 MHz (but works at 125 MHz) 90/150 seen as 90 Mhz (but works at 150 MHz) 100/166 seen as 100 MHz (but works at 166 MHz) _______________________________________________________________ GT.07.21/GT.07.22 FIX - fix boot hang, POST error 22h due to SMC932 Super I/O chip UPGRADE RECOMMENDATION [ ] All users upgrade [ ] Hardware subsystem specific [ ] OS specific upgrade [ ] Motherboard revision specific [X] Problem specific _______________________________________________________________ END of HP Vectra VL 5/xxx Series 4 BIOS Evolution WHY DOES HEWLETT-PACKARD ROLL THE BIOS ? ====================================== Minimizing the number of the revisions of the BIOS is an objective of Hewlett-Packard. However Hewlett-Packard may have to release new revisions for any one of the following reasons : ENHANCEMENTS ------------ This is the case when a major new feature is available on the market. Good examples are Microsoft Windows 95, a new level of the Plug and Play standard, a new level of the PCI standard. PROCUREMENT ASSURANCE --------------------- Hewlett-Packard qualifies an additional supplier for a component in order to secure the procurement. COMPONENT ROLL -------------- A semiconductor supplier introduces a new version of a component, and stops the production of the previous version for technological improvement reasons. QUALITY ------- To improve the quality, Hewlett-Packard has to make use of a more reliable component, or to implement a design change. COST ---- Hewlett-Packard uses a different supplier which can supply the equivalent component at a much lower price. BUG FIX ------- Bugs discovered in the previous version are fixed. DISCLAIMER The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Hewlett- Packard shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material. This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, photocopied, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Hewlett-Packard Company. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ END OF HP VECTRA VL 5/xxx Series 4 BIOS REVISION HISTORY ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++